Educational Score Performance - Country Rankings
SOURCE: OECD in Figures 2009
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Student Performance on the Reading, Scientific and Mathematical Literacy Scales, mean score, 2006
Countries are ranked highest to lowest score

Countries ranked by reading scores. In the other tables below, countries are ranked by mathematics and science scores
See also notes below the tables.
1 Korea 556 547 522
2 Finland 547 548 563
3 Canada 527 527 534
4 New Zealand 521 522 530
5 Ireland 517 501 508
6 Australia 513 520 527
7 Poland1 508 495 498
8 Sweden 507 502 503
9 Netherlands 507 531 525
10 Belgium 501 520 510
11 Switzerland 499 530 512
12 Japan 498 523 531
13 United Kingdom 495 495 515
14 Germany 495 504 516
15 Denmark 494 513 496
16 OECD average 492 498 500
17 Austria 490 505 511
18 France 488 496 495
19 Iceland 484 506 491
20 Norway 484 490 487
21 Czech Republic1 483 510 513
22 Hungary 482 491 504
23 Luxembourg 479 490 486
24 Portugal1 472 466 474
25 Italy 469 462 475
26 Slovak Republic 466 492 488
27 Spain 461 480 488
28 Greece 460 459 473
29 Turkey1 447 424 424
30 Russian Federation 440 476 479
31 Mexico 410 406 410
32 Brazil1 393 370 390
33 United States .. 474 489

1 Finland 548 563 547
2 Korea 547 522 556
3 Netherlands 531 525 507
4 Switzerland 530 512 499
5 Canada 527 534 527
6 Japan 523 531 498
7 New Zealand 522 530 521
8 Belgium 520 510 501
9 Australia 520 527 513
10 Denmark 513 496 494
11 Czech Republic1 510 513 483
12 Iceland 506 491 484
13 Austria 505 511 490
14 Germany 504 516 495
15 Sweden 502 503 507
16 Ireland 501 508 517
17 OECD average 498 500 492
18 France 496 495 488
19 United Kingdom 495 515 495
20 Poland1 495 498 508
21 Slovak Republic 492 488 466
22 Hungary 491 504 482
23 Luxembourg 490 486 479
24 Norway 490 487 484
25 Spain 480 488 461
26 Russian Federation 476 479 440
27 United States 474 489 ..
28 Portugal1 466 474 472
29 Italy 462 475 469
30 Greece 459 473 460
31 Turkey1 424 424 447
32 Mexico 406 410 410
33 Brazil1 370 390 393

1 Finland 563 547 548
2 Canada 534 527 527
3 Japan 531 498 523
4 New Zealand 530 521 522
5 Australia 527 513 520
6 Netherlands 525 507 531
7 Korea 522 556 547
8 Germany 516 495 504
9 United Kingdom 515 495 495
10 Czech Republic1 513 483 510
11 Switzerland 512 499 530
12 Austria 511 490 505
13 Belgium 510 501 520
14 Ireland 508 517 501
15 Hungary 504 482 491
16 Sweden 503 507 502
17 OECD average 500 492 498
18 Poland1 498 508 495
19 Denmark 496 494 513
20 France 495 488 496
21 Iceland 491 484 506
22 United States 489 .. 474
23 Slovak Republic 488 466 492
24 Spain 488 461 480
25 Norway 487 484 490
26 Luxembourg 486 479 490
27 Russian Federation 479 440 476
28 Italy 475 469 462
29 Portugal1 474 472 466
30 Greece 473 460 459
31 Turkey1 424 447 424
32 Mexico 410 410 406
33 Brazil1 390 393 370


These tables show student performance on the reading, scientific and mathematical literacy scales, mean score, measured in 2006, and reported in OECD's Education at a Glance 2009.

Students were tested at age 15 and therefore approaching the end of compulsory schooling.

1In these countries, tertiary-type A attainment includes all types of tertiary level degrees.

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