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    Flags of Puerto Rico Swedish flag

    The flag was completed in New York City at Chimney Corner Hall in Manhattan on December 22, 1895. The flag of Puerto Rico has a rich history. Dr. Julio J. Henna led a group of 59 Puerto Ricans who organized the Puerto Rican section of the Cuban Revolutionary Party. As part of their activities, a flag was created to rally support for independence from Spain.

    The Puerto Rican flag was designed by inverting the colors of the single starred flag of its neighbor in the Caribbean, Cuba. The first known incarnation of the symbol was made by Manuela `Mima' Besosa, the Puerto Rican Betsy Ross. The motion to adopt the flag was approved unanimously by the Puerto Rican revolutionaries.

    In 1895, Cuba and Puerto Rico were the only two Spanish colonies left in the Western Hemisphere. The Puerto Rican Section of the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded by Jose Marti, agreed upon using the Cuban flag as the model for the Puerto Rican flag. Basically they are they same flag with inverted colors. The Cuban flag has blue stripes and a red triangle; the Puerto Rican flag it's just the opposite.

    Revised 1-Oct-2000

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    Photius Coutsoukis (all rights reserved)