This page presents the geographical name data for
Landau Glacier in Antarctica, as supplied by the US military intelligence in electronic format, including the geographic coordinates and place name in various forms, latin, roman and native characters, and its location in its respective country's administrative division
Feature Name
(see definition):
Landau Glacier
Feature Class
(see definition):
Country Code
(see definition): AQ (Antarctica)
Feature ID
(see definition):
Primary Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds
(see definition):
63° 53' 16" S
Primary Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds
(see definition):
059° 19' 11" W
Primary Latitude in decimal degrees
(see definition):
Primary Longitude in decimal degrees
(see definition):
(see definition):
No data
Decision Year
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(see definition):
A glacier flowing northwest into Lindblad Cove, Charcot Bay on the Davis Coast of Graham Land. This feature lies 2 miles northeast of McNeile Glacier and is the northernmost glacier flowing into Lindblad Cove (q.v.), a name with which Landau Glacier is associated. Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) (2009) after Denise Landau for her role in the development of environmentally responsible policies for the growing Antarctic tourism industry, serving as the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) spokesperson to the Antarctic Treaty from 1997-2008 and as Executive Director of IAATO from 1999-2008. She was instrumental in guiding the development of a system within IAATO that provides transparency to environmental practices and operations of tour operators in the Antarctic and serves as an effective mechanism for self regulation and adherence to laws and regulations derived from the Antarctic Treaty.
Date Created
(see definition):
Date Edited
(see definition):
No data
NOTE: The information regarding
Landau Glacier in Antarctica on this page is published from the data supplied by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, a member of the Intelligence community of the Antarctica, and a Department of Defense (DoD) Combat Support Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of
Landau Glacier information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about
Landau Glacier should be addressed to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.