Cerro Bravo Volcano, Colombia
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Cerro Bravo Volcano, Colombia
Cerro Bravo is seen from Delgaditas on its east side.
The summit dome with a prominent spine was extruded during the most recent eruption.
An older lava dome and cone complex is situated to its left.
Multiple collapse events sent block-and-ash flows down over viscous lava flows (center) and onto the Plan de Arriba (lower left).
The low, tree-covered slope 1/4 of the way from the left side of the photo is the remnant of the pre-Cerro Bravo volcano that was destroyed by a Pleistocene caldera-forming event.
Cerro Bravo is a relatively low dominantly dacitic lava-dome complex north of Nevado del Ruiz volcano that was constructed within the Pleistocene Quebrada Seca caldera.
A series of moderate plinian eruptions during the Holocene has been accompanied by pyroclastic flows and lava dome growth.
Although historical records of the roughly 4000-m-high Cerro Bravo eruptions have not been found, stratigraphic evidence indicates that the volcano last erupted sometime between the 1595 and 1845 eruptions of Ruiz volcano.
PHOTO SOURCE: David Lescinsky, 1988 (University of Western Ontario), courtesy of the Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, used with permission.
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