Kizimen Volcano, Russia
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Kizimen Volcano, Russia
Kizimen volcano, morphologically similar to the pre-1980 Mount St. Helens edifice, is seen from the NW.
The Holocene edifice of Kizimen is composed of closely spaced extrusive lava domes with their mantling lava and pyroclastic-flow deposits.
A large debris fan from the volcano partly smoothes NE-striking faults, which cut pre-Kizimen and some Kizimen deposits.
Fumaroles are seen on the northern slope of the volcano, close to its summit.
Kizimen is an isolated, conical stratovolcano that is morphologically similar to Mount St. Helens prior to its 1980 eruption.
The summit of Kizimen consists of overlapping lava domes, and blocky lava flows descend the flanks of the volcano, which is the westernmost of a volcanic chain north of Kronotsky volcano.
The 2376-m-high Kizimen was formed during four eruptive cycles beginning about 12,000 years ago and lasting 2000-3500 years.
The largest eruptions took place about 10,000 and 8300-8400 years ago, and three periods of long-term lava dome growth have occurred.
The latest eruptive cycle began about 3000 years ago with a large explosion and was followed by lava dome growth lasting intermittently about 1000 years.
An explosive eruption about 1100 years ago produced a lateral blast and created a 1.0 x 0.7 km wide crater breached to the NE, inside which a small lava dome (the fourth at Kizimen) has grown.
A single explosive eruption, during 1927-28, has been recorded in historical time.
PHOTO SOURCE: Vikto Dvigalo Holocene Kamchataka volcanoes, courtesy of the Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, used with permission.
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