Volcano Photos

Tongkoko volcano, Indonesia

Tongariro volcano, New Zealand

Snow-capped Ngauruhoe is a small 2291-m-high stratovolcano that was constructed during the past 2500 years.

The symmetrical volcano, seen here from the NE, rises 800 m above its surroundings and is the highest peak of the Tongariro volcanic center.

Tongariro is a large andesitic volcanic massif, located immediately NE of Ruapehu volcano, that is comprised of more than a dozen composite cones.

Frequent explosive eruptions have been recorded from Ngauruhoe since its first historical activity in 1839.

Tongariro is a large andesitic volcanic massif, located immediately NE of Ruapehu volcano, that is composed of more than a dozen composite cones constructed over a period of 275,000 years.

Vents along a NE-trending zone extending from Saddle Cone (below Ruapehu volcano) to Te Mari crater (including vents at the present-day location of Ngauruhoe) were active during a several hundred year long period around 10,000 years ago, producing the largest known eruptions at the Tongariro complex during the Holocene.

North Crater stratovolcano, one of the largest features of the massif, is truncated by a broad, shallow crater filled by a solidified lava lake that is cut on the NW side by a small explosion crater.

The youngest cone of the complex, Ngauruhoe, has grown to become the highest peak of the massif since its birth about 2500 years ago.

The symmetrical, steep-sided Ngauruhoe, along with its neighbor Ruapehu to the south, have been New Zealand's most active volcanoes during historical time.

PHOTO SOURCE: Photo by Don Swanson, 1984 (U.S. Geological Survey). courtesy of the Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, used with permission.

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