List of Streets in Holt, Ingham County, Michigan, United States, Google Maps and Photos Streetview
- Acorn Circle 48842
- Adelpha Avenue 48842
- Allium Drive 48842
- Ambler Street 48842
- Ammon Drive 48842
- Amsterdam Avenue 48842
- Anchor Court 48842
- Antler Circle 48842
- Applecroft Lane 48842
- Archwood Drive 48842
- Ashbrook Drive 48842
- Auburn Street 48842
- Audean Street 48842
- Aurelius Road 48842
- Aurelius Road, North 48842
- Avalanche Drive 48842
- Bayou Place 48842
- Beaumaris Circle 48842
- Berkley Drive 48842
- Berry Ridge Drive 48842
- Bertha Street 48842
- Beryl Street 48842
- Bison Drive 48842
- Bittern Drive 48842
- Bonapart Drive 48842
- Bond Avenue 48842
- Boyman Drive 48842
- Boysenberry Lane 48842
- Burton Avenue 48842
- Bush Gardens Lane 48842
- Bush Hill Drive 48842
- Butte 48842
- Butte Avenue 48842
- Calypso Lane 48842
- Calypso Road 48842
- Canyon Cove 48842
- Caplina Drive 48842
- Catalina Drive 48842
- Cedar Park Drive 48842
- Cedar Road 48842
- Cedar Street 48842
- Center Street 48842
- Charlar Drive 48842
- Chateau Way 48842
- Chaucer Circle 48842
- Chestnut Street 48842
- Chevalier Drive, North 48842
- Chisholm Court 48842
- Clermont Road 48842
- Clever Street 48842
- College Road 48842
- Coolridge Road 48842
- Cornice Falls Drive 48842
- Cottonwood Drive 48842
- Cottonwood Road 48842
- Crampton Way 48842
- Creole Way 48842
- Cricket Ridge Drive 48842
- Cromwell Street 48842
- Cromwell Street, North 48842
- Crossroads Drive 48842
- Dallas Avenue 48842
- Davlind Drive 48842
- Daylilly Drive 48842
- Dean Avenue 48842
- Decamp Avenue 48842
- Deer Run Lane 48842
- Delhi Commerce Drive 48842
- Delhi Street NE 48842
- Dell Road 48842
- Dell Road, West 48842
- Dellridge Drive 48842
- Depot Street 48842
- Dogwood Drive 48842
- Don Street 48842
- Doncaster Avenue 48842
- Dublin Circle 48842
- Dunwoody Circle 48842
- E Monroe Street 48842
- E Norwood Street 48842
- E Willoughby Road 48842
- Eastlund Circle 48842
- Eifert Road 48842
- Elliott Street 48842
- Elm Street 48842
- Enfield Drive 48842
- Fawn Creek 48842
- Fay Avenue 48842
- Flanders Avenue 48842
- Flying Gulch 48842
- Flying Gulch Drive 48842
- Fontaine Trail 48842
- Foxwood Drive 48842
- Frontier Court 48842
- Furney Street 48842
- Gander Hill Drive 48842
- Garden Gate Drive 48842
- Garden Gate Road 48842
- Gateway Drive 48842
- Glenberry Drive 48842
- Glendurgan Court 48842
- Graduate Way 48842
- Grayfriars Avenue 48842
- Great Lakes Drive 48842
- Greenwood Avenue 48842
- Groombridge Drive 48842
- Grove Street 48842
- Grovenburg Road 48842
- Gunn Road 48842
- Gunn Road, North 48842
- Hadden Hall Drive 48842
- Haddon Hall Drive 48842
- Hall Street 48842
- Hamilton Street 48842
- Hancock Drive 48842
- Hapsburg Avenue 48842
- Harding Avenue 48842
- Harper Road 48842
- Hearthside Drive 48842
- Heather Haven Drive 48842
- Heatherton Drive 48842
- Hill Street 48842
- Hogsback Road 48842
- Holbrook Drive 48842
- Holland Road 48842
- Holloway Drive 48842
- Hollowbrook Drive 48842
- Holt Road 48842
- Holt Road, West 48842
- Horstmeyer Road 48842
- Hosta Court 48842
- Hummingbird Lane 48842
- Huntshire Drive 48842
- Jacqueline Drive 48842
- Jarco Drive 48842
- Jeanne Street 48842
- Jefferson Street 48842
- Jones Road 48842
- Juniper Place 48842
- Kahres Road 48842
- Kate Street 48842
- Kathy Court 48842
- Keller Road 48842
- Kemper Avenue 48842
- Killarney Court 48842
- Killarney Drive 48842
- Kim Rye Lane 48842
- Kingdon Avenue 48842
- Kirkland Ridge Drive 48842
- Kirkland Ridge Road 48842
- Klompen Street 48842
- Knotwood Drive 48842
- Krantz Road 48842
- Krental Avenue 48842
- Ladderback Drive 48842
- Lambeth Way 48842
- Lamoreaux Lane 48842
- Laureate Drive 48842
- Laurelwood Drive 48842
- Lee Street 48842
- Limerick Circle 48842
- Loch Lomond Street 48842
- Loch Woode Court 48842
- Lone Pine Lane 48842
- Lott Avenue 48842
- Lynn Street 48842
- Macdonald Street 48842
- Main Street 48842
- Maple Street 48842
- Marimba Lane 48842
- McCue Road 48842
- McDonald Street 48842
- Meadow Drive 48842
- Meadowlawn Drive 48842
- Merganser Drive 48842
- Merton Road 48842
- Michael Avenue 48842
- Miles Drive 48842
- Miriam Street 48842
- Mockingbird Lane 48842
- Monroe Street, East 48842
- Moonlight Lane 48842
- Moose Drive 48842
- Mountain Glade Road 48842
- N Aurelius Road 48842
- N Chevalier Drive 48842
- N Cromwell Street 48842
- N Gunn Road 48842
- N Onondaga Road 48842
- N Vernon Avenue 48842
- N Waverly Road 48842
- Netherland Drive 48842
- Nightingale Drive 48842
- North Street 48842
- Norway Street 48842
- Norwood Street, East 48842
- Oakleaf Drive 48842
- Observatory Lane 48842
- O'Connor Road 48842
- Ohchi Court 48842
- Onondaga Road, North 48842
- Orchid Lane 48842
- Orleans Way 48842
- Pageant Way 48842
- Parakeet Lane 48842
- Park Lane 48842
- Patrick Circle 48842
- Pearson Court 48842
- Persimmon Path 48842
- Phillips Avenue 48842
- Pine Dell Drive 48842
- Pine Tree Road 48842
- Pocassett Way 48842
- Quadrille Lane 48842
- Ramparte Path 48842
- Rembrant Road 48842
- Rexford Avenue 48842
- Richard Street 48842
- Ridgemoor Drive 48842
- Ringneck Lane 48842
- River Pointe Drive 48842
- Rolling Ridge Lane 48842
- Rotterdam Road, West 48842
- Royal Cres 48842
- Royale Drive 48842
- Runnymede Drive 48842
- S Washington Road 48842
- Saddlewood Drive 48842
- Sanibel Hollow 48842
- Santa Clara Road 48842
- Savanna Way 48842
- Schippell Street 48842
- Scholar Lane 48842
- Schoolcraft Street 48842
- Selma Street 48842
- Shadow Wood Drive 48842
- Sharptail Lane 48842
- Sierra Hts 48842
- Sorority Lane 48842
- Spahr Avenue 48842
- Stonehaven 48842
- Stonehaven Drive 48842
- Stonehurst Avenue 48842
- Sugar Bush Lane 48842
- Sumac 48842
- Sumac Lane 48842
- Summit Street 48842
- Sunshine Peak Drive 48842
- Sutherland Drive 48842
- Sycamore Drive 48842
- Sycamore Street 48842
- Tagalak Trail 48842
- Tambourine Trail 48842
- Tartan Lane 48842
- Thorburn Street 48842
- Thornwood Drive 48842
- Tiffany Lane 48842
- Tinkler Court 48842
- Tolland Avenue 48842
- Trianon Trail 48842
- Tulip Way 48842
- Tupelo Trail 48842
- Turkey Run 48842
- Turnbridge Drive 48842
- Tuscany Lane 48842
- Twighight Pass Drive 48842
- US Highway 127 48842
- Van Buren Avenue 48842
- Van Dyke Road 48842
- Van Raalte Court 48842
- Varsity Lane 48842
- Veltema Drive 48842
- Vernon Avenue, North 48842
- Veterans Drive 48842
- Vondel Drive 48842
- W Dell Road 48842
- W Holt Road 48842
- W Rotterdam Road 48842
- Wachtel Drive 48842
- Walenjus Court 48842
- Walnut Street 48842
- Wanstead Drive 48842
- Washington Road, South 48842
- Watson Avenue 48842
- Waverly Road 48842
- Waverly Road, North 48842
- Wemple Street 48842
- West Boulevard 48842
- Westgate Circle 48842
- Weswilmar Drive 48842
- Whitesell Street 48842
- Wilcox Road 48842
- Wildflower Drive 48842
- Willesdon Avenue 48842
- Willoughby Road 48842
- Willoughby Road, East 48842
- Willow Ridge Drive 48842
- Willowway Lane 48842
- Windmill Boulevard 48842
- Winterberry Street 48842
- Witherspoon Way 48842
- Woodworth Avenue 48842
- Wovenheart Drive 48842
- Yarrow Drive 48842
- Zeeland Drive 48842
- Zuider Road 48842
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