List of Streets in Amityville, Suffolk County, New York, United States, Google Maps and Photos Streetview
- Adrian Court 11701
- Albany Avenue 11701
- Albert Road 11701
- Andpress Plaza 11701
- Anita Place 11701
- Anthony Court 11701
- Arthur Street 11701
- Atna Drive 11701
- Austin Avenue 11701
- Autumn Lane 11701
- Avenue S 11701
- Avon Drive 11701
- Avon Drive, East 11701
- Avon Place 11701
- Baltic Place 11701
- Banbury Court 11701
- Barbara Court 11701
- Barberry Court 11701
- Barry Road 11701
- Bay Avenue, South 11701
- Bay Blvd W 11701
- Bay Road, South 11701
- Bayside Avenue 11701
- Bayside Place 11701
- Bayview Avenue 11701
- Bayview Avenue S 11701
- Bayview Avenue, South 11701
- Bayview Lane 11701
- Bayview Place 11701
- Bayview Road 11701
- Bedell Place 11701
- Bedford Street 11701
- Belmont Court 11701
- Belmont Place 11701
- Benburb Street 11701
- Benjamin Avenue 11701
- Benjoe Drive 11701
- Bennett Place 11701
- Bentley Road 11701
- Berger Avenue 11701
- Beta Drive 11701
- Biel Drive 11701
- Bingham Place 11701
- Birch Road 11701
- Bismark Place 11701
- Booker Boulevard 11701
- Boot Hill Court 11701
- Bourdette Place 11701
- Braham Avenue 11701
- Brandon Avenue 11701
- Brefni Street 11701
- Brewster Lane 11701
- Broad Hollow Road 11701
- Broadway 11701
- Brown Street 11701
- Bryan Avenue 11701
- Buchanan Avenue 11701
- Buffalo Avenue 11701
- Bunny Lane 11701
- Burch Avenue 11701
- Burdette Place 11701
- Cactus Court 11701
- Cahill Street 11701
- Campbell Street 11701
- Cape Road 11701
- Carlton Avenue 11701
- Carman Place 11701
- Carolyn Court 11701
- Carrol Street 11701
- Cedar Lane 11701
- Cedar Road 11701
- Cedar Road, North 11701
- Cedar Street 11701
- Center Drive 11701
- Central Avenue 11701
- Chadwick Court 11701
- Charleston Drive 11701
- Cherokee Court 11701
- Chestnut Road 11701
- Chevy Chase 11701
- Cheyenne Trail 11701
- Chichester Avenue 11701
- Cimarron Court 11701
- Coles Avenue 11701
- Colonial Court 11701
- Columba Avenue 11701
- Columbus Boulevard 11701
- Commerce Boulevard 11701
- Coolidge Avenue 11701
- Cooper Avenue 11701
- Corral Drive 11701
- Cottage Place 11701
- County Line Road 11701
- County Road 1 11701
- County Road 12 11701
- County Road 2 11701
- County Road 28 11701
- County Road 45 11701
- County Road 47 11701
- Croydon Road 11701
- Dante Place 11701
- Darerka Street 11701
- Davis Court 11701
- Dawes Avenue 11701
- Debbie Lane 11701
- Deforest Street 11701
- Delaware Avenue 11701
- Desoto Road 11701
- Devine Place 11701
- Dewey Avenue 11701
- Dixon Avenue 11701
- Dowsing Place 11701
- Dry Gulch Path 11701
- Dubois Avenue 11701
- Dunbar Street 11701
- E Avon Drive 11701
- E Gibbs Road 11701
- E Lake Drive 11701
- E Smith Street 11701
- E Somerset Road 11701
- Earl Place 11701
- East Street 11701
- Eastern Concourse 11701
- Edan Court 11701
- Edison Street 11701
- Elgin Road 11701
- Elliot Court 11701
- Elm Place 11701
- Emerald Lane N 11701
- Emerald Lane S 11701
- Emerson Avenue, South 11701
- Enoch Is 11701
- Ephesus Place 11701
- Ephesus Street 11701
- Essen Drive 11701
- Etna Court 11701
- Farragut Place 11701
- Felix Place 11701
- Flint Road 11701
- Floral Drive 11701
- Folkstone Lane 11701
- Folkstone Road 11701
- Forrest Place 11701
- Francesca Way 11701
- Francine Avenue 11701
- Franklin Street 11701
- Frontier Way 11701
- Frost Lane 11701
- Garfield Street 11701
- Gaylore Drive, South 11701
- Gaylore Drive, West 11701
- Genevieve Court 11701
- George Brown Plaza 11701
- Georgia Road 11701
- Geraldine Avenue 11701
- Gibbs Road 11701
- Gibbs Road, East 11701
- Gilbert Place 11701
- Glenmalure Street 11701
- Grace Court 11701
- Grand Central Avenue 11701
- Grand Lane 11701
- Grand Lane, North 11701
- Grand Street 11701
- Grant Avenue 11701
- Great Neck Road 11701
- Greene Avenue 11701
- Griffing Avenue 11701
- Guilette Place 11701
- Hamilton Street 11701
- Hampden Road 11701
- Harbor N 11701
- Harbor Road 11701
- Harbor S 11701
- Harding Road 11701
- Harding Street 11701
- Harrison Avenue 11701
- Hatcher Court 11701
- Hayes Road, South 11701
- Hazel Court 11701
- Hazel Street 11701
- Hicks Street 11701
- Hildreth Court 11701
- Holt Street 11701
- Homestead Avenue 11701
- Hoover Street 11701
- Horseshoe Court 11701
- Hunter Court 11701
- India Place 11701
- Ira Court 11701
- Ireland Place 11701
- Ireland Place, South 11701
- Irving Road 11701
- Jacqueline Court 11701
- James Road 11701
- Jeatom Lane 11701
- Jefferson Avenue 11701
- Jefferson Road 11701
- Jefferson Road, South 11701
- Jefferson Street 11701
- Jefferson Street, West 11701
- Jeri Court 11701
- Jerome Place 11701
- John Street 11701
- Johnson Street 11701
- Joseph Court 11701
- Juniper Place 11701
- Kay Road 11701
- Kenneth Court 11701
- Kent Place 11701
- Ketcham Avenue 11701
- Ketcham Avenue, South 11701
- King Place 11701
- King Street 11701
- Lafayette Avenue 11701
- Lake Drive 11701
- Lake Drive, East 11701
- Lake Drive, West 11701
- Lake Street 11701
- Larsen Drive 11701
- Lebrun Avenue 11701
- Lee Place 11701
- Leonard Place 11701
- Lewis Street 11701
- Lillian Court 11701
- Lillian Street 11701
- Lincoln Avenue 11701
- Lindy Avenue 11701
- Locust Avenue 11701
- Locust Drive 11701
- Lombardi Place 11701
- Louden Avenue 11701
- Lupidia Street 11701
- Lynn Jean Avenue 11701
- Macdonald Avenue 11701
- Madison Avenue 11701
- Madison Street 11701
- Main Street 11701
- Maple Drive 11701
- Maple Lane 11701
- Maple Place 11701
- Maple Road 11701
- Marilyn Avenue 11701
- Marion Road 11701
- Matthew Drive 11701
- Meadow Lane 11701
- Melody Lane 11701
- Merrick Road 11701
- Mill Street 11701
- Miller Avenue 11701
- Mincher Place 11701
- Mohawk Place 11701
- Mole Place 11701
- Monroe Street 11701
- Moore Street 11701
- Moreland Court 11701
- Morris Street 11701
- Musette Place 11701
- N Cedar Road 11701
- N Grand Lane 11701
- N Park Lane 11701
- N Railroad Avenue 11701
- N Somerset Road 11701
- Nathalie Avenue 11701
- Navajo Avenue 11701
- Navajo Trail 11701
- New Highway 11701
- New Horizons Boulevard 11701
- New Point Place 11701
- Nicoll Avenue 11701
- Noelle Court 11701
- Norma Place 11701
- Norman Avenue 11701
- North Drive 11701
- North Plaza 11701
- Oak Road 11701
- Oak Street 11701
- Oak Street, West 11701
- Ocean Avenue 11701
- Offaly Street 11701
- Old New Highway 11701
- Oldfield Avenue 11701
- Orchard Street 11701
- Overland Avenue 11701
- Park Avenue 11701
- Park Lane, North 11701
- Park Place 11701
- Park Place, South 11701
- Parkway Avenue 11701
- Parthey Lane 11701
- Pawnee Court 11701
- Penndale Drive 11701
- Peppermill Lane 11701
- Perkins Avenue 11701
- Pine Road 11701
- Plymouth Drive 11701
- Poplar 11701
- Poplar Road 11701
- Poplar Street 11701
- Powell Court 11701
- Prospect Street 11701
- Prospect Street W 11701
- Prospect Street, South 11701
- Purdy Lane 11701
- Railroad Avenue 11701
- Railroad Avenue, North 11701
- Rainbow Lane 11701
- Ranick Drive E 11701
- Ranick Drive S 11701
- Ranick Drive, West 11701
- Reed Place 11701
- Richard Court 11701
- Richmond Avenue 11701
- Ritter Avenue 11701
- Riverleigh Place 11701
- Riverside Avenue 11701
- Riverside Street 11701
- Robbins Avenue 11701
- Rochelle Court 11701
- Rodney Place 11701
- Ronald Drive E 11701
- Ronald Drive N 11701
- Ronald Drive, South 11701
- Roneck Drive 11701
- Ronek Drive 11701
- Roosevelt Avenue 11701
- Roosevelt Street 11701
- Rosewood Avenue 11701
- Russel Street 11701
- S Bay Avenue 11701
- S Bay Road 11701
- S Bayview Avenue 11701
- S Emerson Avenue 11701
- S Gaylore Drive 11701
- S Hayes Road 11701
- S Ireland Place 11701
- S Jefferson Road 11701
- S Ketcham Avenue 11701
- S Park Place 11701
- S Prospect Street 11701
- S Ronald Drive 11701
- Saint John Street 11701
- Saint Marks Place 11701
- Salt Box Path 11701
- Sarah Court 11701
- Schleigel Boulevard 11701
- Seabro Avenue 11701
- Shore Road 11701
- Silverpine Drive 11701
- Sioux Avenue 11701
- Skylark Lane 11701
- Smith Place 11701
- Smith Street 11701
- Smith Street, East 11701
- Smith Street, West 11701
- Somerset Road, East 11701
- Somerset Road, North 11701
- Somerset Road, West 11701
- South Drive 11701
- South Plaza 11701
- Southwood Lane 11701
- Sprague Avenue 11701
- Spruce Lane 11701
- Spruce Road 11701
- Spruce Street 11701
- State Route 110 11701
- State Route 27 11701
- State Route 27A 11701
- Steele Place 11701
- Sterling Place 11701
- Stuart Avenue 11701
- Summer Lane 11701
- Sunrise Highway 11701
- Sunrise Loop 11701
- Sunset Avenue 11701
- Sunshine Lane 11701
- Surrey Drive 11701
- Susan Lane 11701
- Swartout Place 11701
- Sylvia Court 11701
- Terry Avenue 11701
- The Boulevard 11701
- Towne Street 11701
- Turner Place 11701
- Tyrconnell Street 11701
- Union Avenue 11701
- Unqua Place 11701
- Van Nostrand Place 11701
- Victoria Drive 11701
- Virginia Court 11701
- W Gaylore Drive 11701
- W Jefferson Street 11701
- W Lake Drive 11701
- W Oak Street 11701
- W Ranick Drive 11701
- W Smith Street 11701
- W Somerset Road 11701
- Walnut Road 11701
- Walter Street 11701
- Wanser Place 11701
- Washington Avenue 11701
- Washington Place 11701
- Watkins Terrace 11701
- Weatherly Place 11701
- Wellington Place 11701
- West Court 11701
- Western Concourse 11701
- Whitney Drive 11701
- William Street 11701
- Williams Avenue 11701
- Willis Avenue 11701
- Wilson Avenue 11701
- Windsor Court 11701
- Winter Lane 11701
- Wood Avenue 11701
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