Pres. |
Manuel Pinto DA COSTA |
Prime Min. |
Gabriel Arcanjo Ferreira DA COSTA |
Min. of Agriculture, Rural Development, & Fisheries |
Antonio Alvaro DA GRACA DIAS |
Min. of Commerce, Tourism, & Industry |
Demostenes Vasconelos Pires DOS SANTOS |
Min. of Education, Culture, & Training |
Jorge Lopes Bom JESUS |
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Communities |
Min. of Health & Social Affairs |
Leonel Pinto D'ASSUNCAO PONTES, Dr. |
Min. of Internal Affairs & Civilian Protection |
Raul Antonio DA COSTA CRAVID |
Min. of Justice, Govt. Reform, & Parliamentary Affairs |
Edite Ramos DA COSTA TEN JUA |
Min. of Labor, Solidarity, Women, & Family Affairs |
Maria Tome De ARAUJO |
Min. of National Defense & Internal Order |
Oscar Aguiar SACRAMENTO E SOUSA, Lt. Col. |
Min. of Planning & Finance |
Helio Silva VAZ D'ALMEIDA |
Min. of Public Works, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, & Environment |
Osvaldo Cravid Viegas D'ABREU |
Min. of Urban Development, Transportation, & Communications |
Benjamin Vera CRUZ |
Min. of State for Press, Youth, & Sports |
Albertino Francisco BOA MORTE |
Governor, Bank of Sao Tome & Principe |
Ambassador to the US |
Ovidio Manuel Barbosa PEQUENO |
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York |
Ovidio Manuel Barbosa PEQUENO |